Emily Fleisch, Director of Advancement and Enrollment, Tuition Coordinator

14 years of consulting, information technology, and sales experience
6 years at St. Eugene School
B.A., University of Notre Dame

"Emily brings many talents to our school's recruitment and marketing efforts.  She is able to promote our school speaking from her experience as a mom of three SES students.  Emily warmly welcomes new families and listens intently to what new families are looking for in a school.  I know that any family seeking to find an excellent Catholic school will value how well Emily will listen to their needs and share the qualities of St. Eugene" - St. Eugene Parent

"I believe in the mission of this school both as a parent of three students and as a staff member.  It is a joy to work every day to bring that mission to families.  I have the privilege of sharing all that this school has to offer spiritually, academically, and socially, and watching as our students grow and thrive here." - Emily Fleisch

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