The St. Eugene Home and School Association is our parent association, which provides many different benefits to the school. Parent volunteers work with school staff to provide curriculum enhancement activities and financially assist educational needs of all the students.  Through the Home and School Association, St. Eugene offers many friendraisers such as our kindergarten play dates in the summer, the new/host family program, and trunk or treat at Halloween. Home and School fundraisers include Calendar of Cash, trivia night, and third party funding opportunities. 

Profits generated by these fundraisers allows Home and School to pay for many significant projects at St. Eugene School. Money from the Home and School has allowed us to renovate our two kindergarten rooms, install new playground equipment, keep our computer lab up to date, install a computerized card catalog and checkout system in the school library, purchase SmartBoards for every classroom, purchase new desks for the classrooms, and reimburse teachers for materials they purchase. 

Because of the high involvement and commitment of our parent volunteers, our Home and School Association is an active and highly effective organization. In fact, in 2004 we won the Distinguished Home and School Award from the National Catholic Education Association in recognition of the excellence of our programs.

Volunteer Opportunities (Click for PDF)

Being part of the Home and School Association is a great way to become involved in your child’s education -- you will be in touch with what's going on in the classroom and in the school.

 We are always looking for volunteers who are enthusiastic about making St. Eugene the best school it can be for our children.  We invite you to become involved and to make this school an even better place for all. Whether you choose to lead a committee, assist in the classroom, or simply send supplies for a class activity, your help is important and ALWAYS appreciated.  Please feel welcome to become a part of the wonderful community of involved parents who enjoy helping.


Calendar of Cash - Encourage all students to sell Calendars at the beginning of the school year.  Throughout the school year after the sale, draw names of buyers daily and mail winnings on a weekly basis. (YEAR ROUND) 
Third Party Funds - Collect Box Tops, Amazon Smile, online Magazine Sales. (YEAR ROUND)
Uniform Sale - Collect used uniforms from families at the end of the school year. Organize clothes and sell at Parent Packet Pickup. (JUNE/SEPT)
Trivia Night - Schedule date and coordinate the event. Advertise in Go for the Gold and church bulletin. (SEPTEMBER, JANUARY)


Gingerbread Shoppe - Help organize this secret Christmas gift shop for students; buy items, wrap, and coordinate volunteers to run sale. (NOV‐DEC)
Trunk or Treat - Organize this Halloween friendraiser by scheduling date and providing parking tickets to participating parents. (OCTOBER)

Administrative Support

Lunch Supervision - 11:15‐12:15 Choose weekly, bi‐weekly, or substitute basis. Check in students or help with condiment distribution. Help students if needed and wipe down tables as children return to their classrooms. (YEAR ROUND)
Spirit Wear - Assist with purchasing St. Eugene logo clothing and the sales of these items. (AUG‐ SEPT, JAN)
Yearbook & Photo Coordinator - Assist photographers on school picture days. Collect photos and coordinate layout for yearbook with photo studio. (YEAR ROUND)
Host Family - Assign host families to new school families that will assist them in getting acclimated to the Saint Eugene School community. (AUG‐SEPT)
Room Parent Coordinator - Recruit room parents for each class. Provide room parents with packets detailing their responsibilities. Communicate throughout the year with the room parents. (YEAR ROUND)
Room Parents - Class Representative that will assist teacher assigning duties for seasonal parties. Provide sunshine via a card to families experiencing death in their family or birth of a child, etc. Fulfill their class assigned home and school responsibility. (YEAR ROUND)

Curriculum Enhancements

Panther Olympics - Help plan and organize competitions and volunteers. Must coordinate with faculty member. Plan lunch, shop, prepare, assemble and serve picnic lunch on Junior Olympics day. (MAY‐JUN)
Field Trips/Service Trips - Home and School provides $20 per student to be used for field trips.  Teachers plan the trips.  Home and School also pays for the bus for service trips. (YEAR ROUND)