February 16, 2016 Minutes
/Saint Eugene School Committee
February 16, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Members Present
Ellie Okunseri, Policy & Planning Committee Chair
Anne Marie Finley, Finance Committee Chair, Enrollment Committee Member
Carol Lee Ferrero, Vice President, Marketing & Public Relations Committee Chair
Liz Mark, Policy & Planning Committee Member, Enrollment Committee Member
James Wawrzyn, Finance Committee Member, Enrollment Committee Member
Kristin Bremenkamp, Finance Committee Member, Enrollment Committee Member
Emily Fleisch, Liaison to Home & School Association
Courtney Vosmaer, Marketing & Public Relations Committee Member
Ex-Officio Members Present
Rebecca Jones, Principal
Mary Jane Tulley, Teacher
Representative Members Excused
Haley Carter, Secretary, Marketing & Public Relations Committee Member
Sara O’Neil, President
Meg Fisher, Teacher Representative
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Approval of January 2015 Minutes
The minutes from the January 19, 2016 Committee meeting were unanimously approved. The November and December minutes will be emailed for review, and asked for approval at the March 15 meeting.
Principal’s Report (Rebecca Jones)
Catholic Schools Week
Both events very successful
Open House: 16 tours, 21 potential students, 5 registrations, and 60% of current families attended
Students created thank you cards to those in service at the school. School Committee received cards from 4K.
Option C is easy and school is working to contact those families who have not yet re-enrolled.
Potential waiting lists in 4K and 5K classes.
Currently there are 16 4K registrants and 17 5K registrants.
16 new students enrolled (8 new & 8 siblings of current students.)
Annual Fund
$61,310 deposited, along with $8,000 in pledges from parishioners, along with a $10,000 match
There is an alumni challenge grant to identify 50 new donors this cycle
Abbreviated "The Spirit" newsletter has been sent to over 800 alumni with a donation request. Full newsletter will go out in April.
Home & School Liaison Report
Open House was successful with 16 tours given to prospective families, totaling 21 new potential students. 5 new families registered at Open House. 60% of current families attended.
Trivia Night was a success with $1,405 profit. A very fun night!
Rummage Sale: Rachel Stanton will help with the rummage sale, but we need two chairs in order for the sale to run.
School Mass Initiative
Sunday, May 1 at 11 a.m.
SES will be showcased at this mass, with students as greeters, cantors, mass servers, choir, readers and presenting gifts. A Thanks You Banner, created by students, will be hung in the Narthex. Students and parents will host the hospitality after Mass, providing coffee, donuts, juice, etc.
Ellie Okunseri will continue to work with Mitchell Owens and Ms. Jones for the mass
Teacher Appreciation Week
This item will be discussed at next month’s meeting.
Sub-Committee Reports
Public Relations and Marketing Committee
Met three times leading up to Open House
Very happy with Open House results
The PR Committee shared recent marketing ads including Metro Parent, direct mailing post cards and Catholic Herald ads
Kindergarten Coffee - February 27 at 9:30 a.m. Christine Candela, current parent, will speak, along with kindergarten teachers.
Finance Committee
Proposed budgets for 2016-2017 were presented by Anne Marie. Handouts were provided, which detailed two different scenarios. Budget C included a tuition increase of 4% and fully implemented a new teacher compensation plan. Budget E included a tuition increase of 4%, a fully implemented new teacher compensation and added a 40% position.
40% position was discussed, as to what need this position may address at the school: accelerated learners, increased aide time for 4K/5K or a guidance counselor.
The budget reflects an increase in the cost for Extended Care, 3K and half day 4K programs in order to be more in line with the market place.
Mrs. Jones asked for committee to further review and offer insight on proposed budgets, to her, before the next meeting.
Policy and Planning Committee
March 7-17 new school family survey will be sent out.
Goals were set after reviewing parent responses from last year’s survey.
Cover letter to parents will address the updated goals and highlight what is being done to address them.
Draft survey will go out next week to the school committee members for review and feedback.
Committee would like to follow last year’s process to encourage high family participation rates.
There will be three school committee members transitioning from the committee next year. Therefore, three new members will be needed. Please thoughtfully consider prospective committee members and invite them to April 19 meeting.
**Note about April 19 Common Leadership meeting** Our committee will be in charge of prayer, along with refreshments.
School Committee meeting was adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, March 15 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Rectory
Respectfully submitted, Courtney Vosmaer (Acting Secretary in absence of Haley Carter)